Tuesday, February 26, 2013

people who made a diffrence

martin luther king jr..... made a speech in 1963.. idk he had a rough life growing up they called him negros and had things thrown at him so he made a diffrence. His casket saaid free at last free at last god almighty im free at last.

harvey milk was gay riot activists and he was the first,,,, hold on.... he was like the first person that was a gay comminisher he had a lot of jobs,,, and and and he played football in highscholl,,, uhmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he passed a bunch of laws,,, and he was killed by some man,,,,,, hes from new york...

dorothy hudkins     she made a diffrence in working real deap in chemistry biology and all kind of sciences and uhm she was better known for crystalography and she used that to find the structure of penicillin vitamin d and other things she was born in egypt but her parents were both english she lived in egypt till later childhood she moved back to england,, she was close to her dad but her mom moved back and put her in school... she got a noble prize in chemistry with other great medals... her nickname was crowfoot,,,,,

albert einstein,, he is a famous scientist,,, he dropped out of highschool then resumed school and fell in love with his classmate,,,, he looked a little funny,,.,.,. people thought he was slow .,.,., science was his life,,.,., he was awarded the nobel prize in physics.,.,.,

Ghandhi  he was born in british india he was married at fourteen and had an arranged childbirth he became famous for his civil rights for indians.. he was on 240 mile march it protested the salt act.. when they got to the place they made salt and then he got arrested for it then he was released..,.,.,.  he was peacful passionate and a lil fun fact.. one day he lost his shoe so he slipped off another one so that someone could have a pair of shoes.

winston churchhill.... he was famouse for (katara hickupped and i could not hear),,,.,.,. he refused to surrender against germany ... he led britain.,.,,.

Tubman..... she was born in georgechester mayland.... her father was freed by slavery.,.,.,., she worked as a cook and nurse for the union army,,.,,, she adopted a baby with her husband in 1874... she was married twice she was born a slave in maryland.,.,.,.,

nightengale, florence... she was born in italy a younger child oftwo children uhmmm she was active in uhmmm i dont know that word... by the age of sixteen it was clear to her that she wanted to be in the field of nurseing........... wasnt she known for creating red cross??? yeah i think she was..... she cleaned up a hospital and founded a hospital and made a training school for nurses......

jane goodall... born in londan in 1934 she studied chimps... she never but shes still alive today but she never had a pet until the age of 47 then she got on cat.,.,.. uhmm she got awarded 47 diffrent awards for all that she does... she went to auxford university..... her favorite color is green.,.,..,,.,.,

bill gates..... bill gates..,.,., he was a computer programer and he made his first program at 13 he invented windows and microsoft,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., he makes 250 bucks a second...,..,..,.,.., chartiy.....,.,.,.

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