Thursday, August 30, 2012

Alexander hamilton

My name is Alexander Hamilton and i am 32 on this date of 1787
I am a Federalist.
I was in the military from the year 1775 to present. I was born on January 11, 1775 (or1772 its handwriting wasnt legible they say) and i dont know why but i keep having dreams of being in a duel and dying at a young age.I was born in Charleston, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward islands; Nevis was then one of the British west indies Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette Buck, a married woman of partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Aryshire.

At the Constitutional Convention, I played little part in the writing of the Constitution itself, although I served on the committees that outlined convention rules and writing style. My proposal for the new government was modeled on the British system, which I considered the "best in the world."

Under My system, senators and a national "governor" would be chosen by special electors, and would serve for life. Members of an assembly would be elected directly by citizens; each member would serve a three-year term. State governors would be chosen by the national governor.
Although my fellow delegates politely listened to my proposal, it received endorsement from no one. But if the delegates rejected the extreme degree to which my plan concentrated power at the federal level, they understood that giving more power to the central government was necessary for the nation's survival.
Noone one supports my viewpoints.

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