Tuesday, December 18, 2012


They are trying to stop the ban on women in combat.


They are talking about how they do not want to cause a lot of problems with the fillbuster.



Obama had lunch with Romney in a privite dinning room in the White House. It says they are hope that a photo is released from the meeting with Romney and Obama on how it went (publicity). Obama wants Romney's opinion and help on somethings.


If i won the powerball i would change my name and buy every food item out of walmart.


Donating money and things to Charities is a good thing. Though in some places they will reseave more and other that was affected by the things that has happened in the year of 2012, will not.


I think the baby box idea is horrible i dont care what people say. If people dont want kids they either need to get fixed or stop engaging in sex,


Taxes are raising and yeah...


1st- Well I think that the pregnent lady is stupid. She is stupid for putting her babys daddy indanger like that. its dumb that she only did it because he didnt vote.
2nd- I honestly don't care anymore about the election i'm just glad its over.


I honastly think this dude is insane and is turning his family nuts. It's probably not going to happen. Though i'm not saying it can't because it probably could. I just think it's crazy.


It's all coming down to Ohio on who our president is going to be.


I honestly feel that Obama paid someone to write that because he just would do that. I never trusted Obama .. I think that he is just trying to say anything bad about Romney so he will win.