Friday, September 21, 2012


i thought it was sweet.. he was just a sad  little redneck.


I believe this is an invasion of privacy.


i really don't see nothing wrong with it. it would be different if he was on there property taking pics.


Google has not taken down the video because it hasn't violated any of their terms on You Tube.


I dont think that any types of drinks: pop, sports drinks or anything should be banned from anywhere... if people like to drink that and they aren't making healthy decisions and getting over weight that is their fault.


In her interview, Mrs. Heinbaugh said "... we had students and their advisers come up with a list of projects they felt needed to be done at this school that they could lend a hand with,"in reality, the AA classes were given a list of jobs that need to be done, and were told that we HAD to chose one of the things that they came up with. we never even thought of anything that we could do, we were just told to do stuff, and after we chose what to do, they decided to just assign us to a job that they chose for us to do. we never even got to do what we chose from the list that THEY made.


I think that when you're giving a speech, it doesn't matter what type of speaking style you use. not everyone talk the same so it dont matter how you do it


BR 1 - It is a good way to know what different people think on different things. Different parties support different things honestly i dont agree with gay marriage, but if you do support it i do not wanna hear about it.
BR 2 - I believe that this is a bad ban. If they are to do this i think they should let you get a permit on them under certain standards. If you have a good background check and you have your high school diploma.
BR 3 -Its a good act and i think it should still be in effect until the government finds a better plan

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

federalist paper # 10

1) Who was the author?
- James Madison
2) When was the paper written?
- 1787
3)Who was the audience for this paper?
- The federalists
4) What is a faction?
- A group of citizens
5)What are some examples of factions that excist today?
- Republicans and Democrats
6)How would these two actions harm the American people if the government tried to use them on people?
- There would be constant fighting among the people of America it would be a bad idea .
7)What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
- In a Democracy, the Majority has unlimited power over the Minority. This system of government does not provide a legal safeguard of the rights of the Individual and the Minority. It has been referred to as "Majority over Man".
In a Republic, the Majority is Limited and constrained by a written Constitution which protects the rights of the Individual and the Minority. The purpose of a Republic form of government is to control the Majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the Individual.
8)How would a republic control factions according to the author?
- He claimed that the republican form of government created by the new constitution would allow faction.

bellringer 9/5

I think the fingerprint upgrade is awesome. Its safer for inmates and other individuals. Its so they know exactly who enters their facililty and that ensures the safety of the inmates